Prestashop 1.6.18 – Por fin Prestashop compatible con PHP 7.1

Bueno algo que se estaba pidiendo desde hace mucho tiempo, que el Prestashop 1.6 fuera compatible con el PHP +7.1

Las pruebas que se han realizado funciona bien con esta version de PHP

Es muy importante cambiar el fichero config/

Poner true

/* Debug only */
if (!defined('_PS_MODE_DEV_')) {
define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);

A nosotros nos daba un error 500 por culpa de un modulo antiguo que no era compatible con php +7.1

Parece que la nueva versión la 1.6.18 es compatible con esta versión de PHP.

Vemos el changelog

- Back Office:
- Improvement:
- #8640: Move to HTTPS
- #8444: Update marketplace URL to http(s)
- #8449: Update marketplace URL to http(S)
- Bug fix:
- #8612: Fix AdminController's processDeleteImage() redirect after URL
- #8233: Fix stock available after add product in order
- #8389: Fix selecting a product does not work on Mac
- #8644: Fix for PHP 7.x
- #7844: Fix Stock cover report stock out calculation
- #8335: Revert "Add paid order to stats dashboard even when there's no related invoice generated"

- Front Office:
- Improvement:
- #8564: Hide the password in the confirmation email
- Bug fix:
- #8686: Fix the blank page when no currency defined in the shop
- #8445: Fix the sorting problem with a descending order in the products filtering page
- #8579: Split width of summary invoice pdf
- #8337: Fix conditionals check in DiscountController
- #8531: Fix the email validator

- Core:
- Bug fix:
- #8536: Fixed for duplication of product which has both combinations and specific prices
- #8682: Fix error 500, result of built-in function in write context
- #8695: Fix PHP 7.1 compatibility
- #8429: Increase limit message chars
- #8673: Fix PHP Warning when updating category with multishop
- #8329: Add DB prefix in delete() method all time $add_prefix is set to true
- #8454: Clean the DB after language delete
- #8177: Use english email template as fallback in getEmailTemplateContent

- Installer:
- Bug fix:
- #8273: Update Postal Code of South Korea

- Web Services:
- Bug fix:
- #8647: Fix the update product web service

También se ha probado con PHP 7.2 y nos ha mostrado unos errores

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/modules/blockcart/blockcart.php on line 158

: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in
on line

Por lo que hay que estar atentos a activar el debug ver los errores que se muestran y dejarlo en False



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